You know I always say "I got my wings when I was acting-up and someone older and wiser, A-Head, took me under their wing and in between the cars, before I could get into to much trouble.
All my wings came to me when I was over asphalt and pavement.
Recently I have been forced to think about it more because of all the "Wings Hype". So I was thinking about it, and I realized the first time I got a pair of wings: It was from an older Head named Prankster.
The Thing is, that was when I was on my way to Amsterdam to study design. One day while I was there on the train, I had this super-strong urge to give away an angel pin. she was this person who I seemed to recognize in a dreamy memory kind of way. We didn't even speak the same word-language, nor did we exchange words. My mother had given me that pin.

That trip was the Start of the pin thing for me, I think, and I got my wings on my way out of town for that trip.
Years later, That same guy who gave me the wings, introduced me to the "Hippie Obama Button Guy"
While I was working Obama merch I Met this other Shadowy Lot Figure, Lets call him Shaddy, who later introduced me to the Kesey family. They embraced me and our designs with vibes that felt like HOME.

Its because of the pins ya know? Its weird.... There is some kind of Mojo 'cause really I'm not that cool but the pin thing really is! I think it could be king tuts scarab

Mabey it Is the Blood, The Sweat, and the TEARS all mixing up in the cauldron.....
Double Bubble Toil and Trouble Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble.....
Thanks for so much for the encouragement you guys! Thank you everyone who has ordered pins we could not do this with out you! A Great big thanks to you-know-who-you-are for the BIG order that let us be able to afford getting to fest 8. (now lets see if we are going to need to voluteer to get in,Right)
alright enough of the corny
Yagga Out

Hey bro. I met your home girl, let's call her L on tour, was given a scarab as a gift. Anyway, my kids opening an art gallery/ museum/ after party spot in Atlanta and he'd like to showcase some of your paintings in the gallery. They need them on consignment, they'll sell them for you at a price you chose and pay promptly. The place is a grateful dead inspired gallery called the Wheel Museum. Email me at jayexperiment@gmail.com it's all about the artists here. Everybody gets a forum for their work.!